Submitted by Retire Source Wealth Management on July 15th, 2021
In the last twelve months life seemed to run off the rails. Travel, socialization, work, entertainment, shopping, economics, and the stock market all took major deviations from their normal paths. As the COVID vaccination campaign marches forward, and health safety measures are relaxed, the feeling of life finally getting back on track is undeniable.
Ben Franklin said, “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”. Here's hoping putting 2020 to bed makes our nation more healthy, wealthy, and wise.
I find the recent standoff in Washington on the budget process fascinating on several levels. Let me count the ways.
Like a kids’ soccer game every player thinks they are a winner and deserve a trophy for their efforts. But unlike soccer running the country is not a game of competition; it’s an exercise in compromise. Without it not much gets done. So Washington, take a note and cancel that trophy order. Nobody is going to reward you for losing our confidence.